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A member registered Jul 04, 2021

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I really liked the update! It's a little sad that it ended so quickly and we didn't find out what happened next. I'll be looking forward to the new book then:)

Sometimes I feel like Echo is a real place, as it feels like I really do move in circles, going back again and again to the amazing works associated with this town.

How should I put it... It's not just a novel, it's a masterpiece.

I've been reading furry visual novels for about a year now and I can say with confidence that this is the best thing I've read thus far.

Every line of dialogue, every image, everything is exactly where it should be. 

I finished reading Echo last fall and was left blown away by the quality of the narration, but the writers managed to outdo themselves with The Smoke Room.

Each route is unique in its own way, revealing the mysteries of the town of Echo and its inhabitants. It's like a puzzle - the reader learns more details and revelations in each route of the chosen companions. 

Each character is beautifully written - each have their own skeletons in the closet, each have their own secrets, no one is as unambiguous as it might seem at first glance.

The Smoke Room skillfully combines elements of romance, horror, and detective storytelling. 

At times I was frightened along with the characters, rejoiced at their triumphs, even cried, both at the bitter revelations of the characters and the incredible scenes created by the writers. The literal music video in the middle of Clifford's route still makes me marvel.

What else is there to say? I'm really looking forward to the continuation of all the routes, but my personal favorite is William. (What can I say, I suppose I enjoy being tied up).


Hi guys! I just finished all routes (this took a few sleepless nights, energy drinks and missing assignments in college but I guess it's worth it??). I wanna make sure I understand the story completely so I have some questions. If someone could explain a few things to me - would be great! Spoilers, obvi.

So, first of all. Did TJ actually remember Chase drowning Sydney but decided not to tell anyone... or did he really "forget" that because of how traumatic this experience was for him? I just find it weird that he never mentions this except for Flynn's route.

Another thing. That pinkish flat-faced monster with holes for eyes and mouth?? I just don't know how to call it. Is it actually Flynn? Near the end of his route he gets burned alive in the cave... And both TJ and Jenna mention that this monster looks like a burned person. And because we basically see "through monsters eyes" during Flynn's route it makes it kinda obvious, but still... How is that even possible? Why is he still "alive"? What's even his purpose?

And one last thing. The most important one for me, I think. When TJ finally tells the story about how Sydney drowned, he mentions this "burned man". Well, our monster. And if I understand it correctly, the monster appears and prevents the murder of someone who's dying unjustly. Like, when Brian tries to kill Chase in the cave, or when Brian tries to hang Micha. Pretty sure there're more examples but I can't remember. So. If it actually appeared while Chase was drowning Sydney... Why didn't it kill Chase? It killed no one, so why did it even appear? Why was it necessary to mention it's apperance if it did nothing?

So so sorry for my awful grammar, my first language is Russian. Hope you didn't have a stroke reading this. Thank you in advance for replies.

Same! I romanced Bull during my first playthrough and loved it, buuut I tried Dorian on the second one.. T'was pretty spicy as well;) 


i'm an INFP, i want representation too 😪

Не, для патреонов тоже ещё ничего не выходило, когда обновка будет вообще не известно, ждём второй месяц


(2 edits)

Hi! I have a rather large theory about the world of FBtW and/or potential explanation of the protagonist's situation. This is just my thoughts and I'd love to hear yours. 

Spoilers, obviously. Also spoilers to Adastra.

Yes, I'm aware that Kael acknowledged that FBtW has nothing to do with Adastra's plot, yet the VN is heavily inspired by it. Still, the similarities in some of the plot points (I'll cover those later) have led me to believe that the events of those two VNs are actually "happening" in the same universe! (Yet, perhaps, in different timelines). 

First off, Lingua. In Adastra, Lingua is a special device that allows people who speak different languages understand each other. The person who has Lingua "attached" to him hears other's speech as their language. Doesn't this sound familiar? The protagonist can easily communicate with the Wolves, Sylvan folk, etc. He literally can speak to ANYONE.

Another thing that can prove my point is the fact that in Adastra, when people first heard the human speak, almost everyone complained that their head hurts. That's because the human's language basically takes time to "download" to other's people brain before they can understand him clearly. 

The same thing happens in FBtW! Whenever the protagonist spoke to anyone, at first almost everyone either had trouble understanding him, or also complained about a headache! This is just too similar to be a coincidence.

Now if we pretend that this plot point is enough to prove that those VNs are happening in the same universe - what's the purpose of the human in FBtW? What's happened to him? Why is he there? Adastra can help us explain this too.

In Adastra Amicus explains to us that some "nations" need to be uplifted. Roughly, this means that "more advanced" races come and introduce new technology, culture and space to the "less advanced" ones. Sometimes those races are not ready to be uplifted, sometimes the uplift fails. 

Seeing how good the technology on the Wolven planet of Adastra is, this also has led me to believe that the planet where Ranok's tribe is located, hasn't been uplifted yet. There's no technology, the Wolves from FBtW hate other races and they're super conservative.

And that's the whole purpose of the human - he needs to show the wolves that other races are actually friends and not enemies, change their beliefs slowly so that they can be uplifted later.

My theory behind the human's situation is that Parents took a human, erased his memory, gave him a Lingua and sent him to Ranok's planet to be found by the Wolves, so that they can learn together and be uplifted later.

I'm sorry that this was a lot of text, but maybe someone will have time to read it. Also, English is not my first language, I'm Russian, so please don't hate me for mistakes. Tell me what you think!! 



aren't we all

no dirty scenes YET 🤭


1.) not really sure, i think it's someone from Nekojishi but i'm probably wrong

2.) this have to be Shoichi (Tennis Ace)

3.) must be Jayce!! (Socially Awkward)

Pretty sure Kael explained the situation in his Twitter!

"For all those asking about FBtW update. Due to Elath's departure to Australia, we're taking some time for ourselves as we'll be apart for quite a while. This is the only reason for the delay, but once he's settled, we should resume the regular schedule."

As I understood, his boyfriend is away, that's why he's feeling down. But nothing too serious anyway :)

hi i'm great wbu 

Lars best man 😤😤

(1 edit)

BEAR with me.. 😁 get it?.. specism?.. bear?.... ok.......

honestly the best vn i've played in a long time. let haters hate, they clearly have no taste 😋

honestly can't wait ;_;